56. Allah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet: O ye that believe!

Send ye blessings on him, and salute him with all respect. [Al-Ahzab (33:56)]

Friday, August 31, 2007

Dream of a woman

The Kurd tribe lives in Kurdistan in Iraq. A particular individual from this tribe was a bandit.

This individual narrates that once he and his fellow bandits were on their way to commit robbery. At one place, the individual saw three date trees. Of these, two trees were rich with dates and the third one was barren and devoid of dates. The individual noticed that one bird repeatedly came to one date tree, took a fresh date in its beak each time, and then returned to the barren tree. Upon closer inspection, the individual saw that a blind snake, with its mouth wide open, was perched atop the barren tree while the bird was dropping the dates in the snake’s mouth.

The individual started to cry at this amazing scene. He said to himself: “This is the poisonous snake which Your Beloved Prophet (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) has commanded to kill. When the snake became blind, You appointed a bird to provide sustenance to the snake. I am Your servant-- a servant who believes in Tawhid (Oneness of Allah). You have appointed me to rob people of their possessions.” The individual then realized that the door to sincere repentance was still open.

Without delay, the individual broke his sword which was used to rob innocent people of their valuable possessions. The individual threw soil on his head and cried out in a loud voice: “Oh Allah! Forgive me. Oh Allah! Forgive me.” At that moment, the individual heard a voice from the unseen. The voice stated: “I have forgiven. I have forgiven.”

Fellow bandits asked the individual: “What has become of you? What has happened to you?” The individual explained everything to the group. All bandits repented and broke their swords. The group abandoned their ill-gotten possessions and embarked, clad in ihram, on a journey to Makkah al-Mukarramah.

After three days, the group reached a village. There, group members met an old and blind woman. The woman asked the group: “Do you have amongst you an individual from the Kurdish tribe by this particular name?” The group answered in the affirmative. At this, the woman brought some clothes and stated: “It has been three days since my son passed away. He left behind these clothes. I have been blessed with the vision of the Beloved Prophet (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) in dreams for three consecutive days. He (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) has instructed me to give these clothes to this particular individual from the Kurdish tribe.”

The individual accepted the clothes. Group members then adorned themselves with the clothes.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

The dream of Emperor Shah Jahan

Emperor Shah Jahan was blessed with the auspicious vision of the Beloved Prophet (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) in a dream when the Shahi Masjid of Delhi was completed.

In the dream, the Beloved Prophet of Allah (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam), accompanied by the Sahaba E Karam (the Noble Companions) and the Bujurgane Deen (the pious), was present at the mosque. The Emperor saw that the Beloved Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) was performing wudu in the north-west corner of the mosque. Emperor Shah Jahan woke up immediately afterwards. Without delay Emperor Shah Jahan arrived at the mosque from Lal Killah (the Red Fort) via secret tunnel.

Emperor Shah Jahan started construction of this mosque on the 10th day of Shawwal in Hijri 1060. Everyday, some five thousand individuals used to work at the construction site. The mosque was built in six years for a total cost of one million in local currency.

A water tank was built within the premises of the mosque. In the western corner of the tank, a small area was carefully cordoned off and preserved with marble stones to maintain the sanctity of the particular place. In this very place, the Beloved Prophet (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) was seen to be performing wudu.

The sanctity of the corner is preserved to this day. The following words are inscribed upon the corner:

“Kawsar e Muhammad Rasool Allah Sallallahu Alaihe Wa Sallam.”

(Fountain of Muhammad Rasool Allah Sallallahu Alaihe Wa Sallam)

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The healing properties of Durood Shareef

Alhaj Mohammed Momtaz Ali Khan was a renowned individual in the city of Meerat in present-day India. He was once afflicted with incurable hernia. Despite all available treatment, the hernia did not heal.

During this period, there was a very pious Muslim dervish by the name of Mia Bedarshah in Bharatpur kingdom. The dervish advised Momtaz Ali Khan to recite 5000 Durood Shareefs every day for 40 days in a state of complete wudu. In addition, all food was to be cooked in a state of wudu during this time.

Before the completion of 40 days, Momtaz Ali Khan was blessed with the auspicious vision of the Beloved Prophet (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) in a dream. In the dream, Momtaz Ali Khan offered the Isha salaat (night prayer) with the Beloved Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam).

In the morning, the dervish informed Momtaz Ali Khan that he had attained his goal. In other words, Momtaz Ali Khan was cured of hernia.

The following is the blessed Durood Shareef:

Allahumma Salli ala Muhammadin wa ala ale Muhammadin b’iadadi kulli shay’in ma’lumillak

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Dream of Hazrat Hamza Qadri Barkati (rahmatullahi alaihe)

Hazrat Syed Hamza Qadri Barkati (rahmatullahi alaihe) was once blessed with the auspicious vision of the Beloved Prophet (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) in a dream.

In the dream, the Beloved Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) stated: “Oh my son! You have planted many kul trees and you also entertain many with these. However, you have not given me a single kul to eat.”

It may be mentioned that kul or jujube is a sweet fruit mainly found in South Asia.

Syed Hamza (rahmatullahi alaihe) arranged a Mawlid next morning and distributed kul among the attendees.

Monday, August 27, 2007

A stunning recovery from illness

There was a famous village called Mohammadpur in the Jalandhar district in East Punjab. The descendants of Hazrat Syed Hasan Rasulnoma Dehlavi (rahmatullahi alaihe) used to live there.

Hakim Fazal Mohammed Jalandhari (rahmatullahi alaihe) was a well-known pious individual from this area. Hakim Fazal (rahmatullahi alaihe) passed way at the age of 95 in 1939 A.D. He was educated at the Darul Uloom Deobond Madrasah. He was the classmate of Hazrat Maolana Ashraf Ali (rahmatullahi alaihe) and was the disciple of Hazrat Maolana Kasem (rahmatullahi alaihe).

Hakim Fazal (rahmatullahi alaihe) was a true devotee of the Beloved Prophet (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam). He used to cry at the mention of the Beloved Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam).

Hakim Fazal (rahmatullahi alaihe) once became afflicted with paralysis at the age of 65. Because of the severity of the paralysis, relatives and physicians had given up hope for his recovery.

One night, Hakim Fazal (rahmatullahi alaihe) was in an unconscious state. Suddenly, he started to shout and then said at the top of his voice: “Oh Hazrat (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam)! This is my leg.” After this, Hakim Fazal (rahmatullahi alaihe) quickly bent his paralyzed leg. He then sat up as if he was never afflicted with paralysis. Every one was very surprised to witness this. Hakim Fazal (rahmatullahi alaihe) informed all that moments ago he was blessed with the auspicious vision of the Beloved Prophet (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) in a dream. In the dream, the Beloved Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) placed his blessed hand upon Hakim Fazal (rahmatullahi alaihe). Hakim Fazal (rahmatullahi alaihe) drew his leg out of respect for the Beloved Prophet of Allah (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam).

After this incident, Hakim Fazal (rahmatullahi alaihe) went on to live some 30 years without any illness. He recovered from grave illness because of the barakaat of the Beloved Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam).

Famous Persian poet once wrote the following verses about Hakim Fazal (rahmatullahi alaihe):

From cradle to grave who was the true devotee of the Rasool
It was none but Hakim the son of Hakim Fazal Mohammed Hakim

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Hazrat Ali Ibne Saleh is given water

Hazrat Abdullah Ibne Musa (rahmatullahi alaihe) narrates that he was travelling when Hazrat Ali Ibne Saleh passed away.

Upon returning from his journey, Hazrat Abdullah Ibne Musa (rahmatullahi alaihe) went to meet the brother of the deceased. Upon seeing the brother, Hazrat Abdullah Ibne Musa (rahmatullahi alaihe) started to cry. The brother asked Hazrat Abdullah Ibne Musa (rahmatullahi alaihe) not to cry. The brother asked him to listen to the conditions of Hazrat Ali Ibne Saleh before his death.

The brother went on to say that Hazrat Ali Ibne Saleh asked for drinking water on his death bed. When the brother brought drinking water, Hazrat Ali Ibne Saleh stated that he already had water. At this, the brother asked Hazrat Ali Ibne Saleh: “Who gave you water?” Hazrat Ali Ibne Saleh replied: “Hazrat Rasool-e-Karim (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) arrived here with a large entourage of angels. He (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) gave me water to drink.”

The brother thought that Hazrat Ali Ibne Saleh was saying these things in a confused state. The brother asked Hazrat Ali Ibne Saleh: “How did the angels form flanks?” At this, Hazrat Ali Ibne Saleh said: “Above and below. Hazrat Ali Ibne Saleh then placed one of his hands upon the other.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

"From today, you are Abul Wafa."

It is written in “Rouzatul Afkar” that a man from Yemen left home to visit the blessed Rouza of the Beloved Prophet (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam).

On his way, some individuals requested the man to convey their salaams at the blessed Rouza. They also requested him to convey salaams to Hazrat Abu Bakr (radi Allah unhu) and to Hazrat Omar (radi Allah unhu). The individuals wanted the man to convey their salaams since they were very far from Madinah al Munawara.

While at the blessed Rouza, the man forgot to convey salaams on behalf of the individuals. The man returned from his way to Makkah al-Mukarramah to covey salaams for the individuals. After conveying salaams at the blessed Rouza, the man started on his way to Makkah al-Mukarramah. However, he found that the Makkah-bound caravan had already traveled very far.

Dejected, the man returned to the blessed Rouza and fell asleep there. He was blessed with the auspicious vision of the Beloved Prophet (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) in a dream. In the dream, the Beloved Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) was accompanied by his two companions.

In the dream, Hazrat Abu Bakr (radi Allah unhu) pointed to the man and stated: “Oh Rasool Allah (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam)! This is the man.” At this, the Beloved Prophet of Allah (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) stated: “Yes.” Afterwards, the Beloved Prophet (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) looked at the man and stated: “Abul Wafa.” (The words “Abul Wafa” denote a man who has the qualities to fulfill a promise.)

The man stated in the dream: “Oh Rasool Allah (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam)! I am known as Abul Abbas.” At this, the Beloved Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) stated: “From today, you are Abul Wafa.” After this, the Beloved Prophet (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) took hold of the hand of the man and seated him.

The man woke up after this and found himself at the premises of the Holy Kaba. The man stayed in Makkah al-Mukarramah for eight days.

After eight days, the Makkah-bound caravan missed by the man finally arrived in the city.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Three blessed hairs

Abu Hafs Samarhandi (rahmatullahi alaihe) narrates in his book “Raonakul Majaleje” that there was a wealthy businessman in the town of Balakh.

The businessman passed way leaving behind two sons. The two sons proceeded to divide the inheritance between them. Among the inheritance, there were three blessed hairs belonging to the Beloved Prophet (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam)

After each of the brothers had taken one blessed hair, the older brother proposed to cut the third blessed hair into half. The younger brother objected to this and stated that doing so would be an act of great insolence and disrespect. The older brother then told the younger brother that if he had so much respect for the blessed hairs then he could take all three in exchange of his share of inheritance.

The younger brother readily accepted this arrangement. He donated his portion of inheritance to his brother in exchange of the three blessed hairs.

After some time, the older brother lost all his wealth and turned into a pauper. While in a state of despair, he was blessed with the auspicious vision of the Beloved Prophet (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) in a dream. In the dream, the older brother narrated his conditions and started to cry. The Beloved Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) stated: “Oh unfortunate! You neglected my hairs to give priority to this world. However, your younger brother accepted them with utmost respect and love. He recites Durood Shareef whenever he sees them. Allah Subhanahu Wa Tala'a has given him success both in this world and in the hereafter.”

Upon awakening, the older brother became one of the attendants of the younger brother.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

"Recite this dua"

One pious individual was once blessed with the auspicious vision of the Beloved Prophet (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) in a dream.

In the dream, the individual stated: “Oh Rasool Allah (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam)! Please pray for me.” At this, the Beloved Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) raised his two blessed hands and prayed. In the prayer, the Beloved Prophet of Allah (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) stated: “Recite this dua: Allahumma makhtem lana bil khair.”

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

A man gets help in a jungle

A man was once traveling alone in a jungle. During this time, the animal carrying the man broke its leg.

Totally helpless, the man started to recite Durood Shareef in earnest. After a few minutes, three pious individuals arrived at the place. Two individuals came to the man and mended the broken leg of the animal. The man asked the two individuals about their identity. The two individuals replied that they were Hassan (radi Allah unhu) and Hussein (radi Allah unhu). The individual who was standing at a distance was the Beloved Prophet (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam).

Hearing this, the man pleaded: “Oh Rasool Allah (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam)! Why am I being deprived of your blessed feet?” At this, the Beloved Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) stated: “Your mouth smells of (cigarette) smoke.”

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Dream of Sheikh Abu Abdullah Ibn Khafif

Sufi Abdullah Ibn Zara’ee narrates that he once came to Makkah al-Mukarramah with his father Sheikh Abu Abdullah Ibn Khafif. They were facing extreme financial hardship during this time.

Penniless, the father and son proceeded towards Madinah al-Munawara and spent the night without having anything to eat.

Sufi Abdullah Ibn Zara’ee was very young at the time. He kept complaining to his father about his hunger. His father Sheikh Abu Abdullah Ibn Khafif went to the Rouza and stated: “Oh Rasool Allah (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam)! Today I am your guest.” After that, Sheikh Abu Abdullah Ibn Khafif went into murakabah (deep meditation).

After a few minutes, Sheikh Abu Abdullah Ibn Khafif came out of the murakabah. He was both weeping and smiling at the same time. When asked about it, Sheikh Abu Abdullah Ibn Khafif stated that he was blessed with the auspicious vision of the Beloved Prophet (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) in a dream. In the dream, the Beloved Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) gave some dirhams in his hand. Upon awakening from slumber, Sheikh Abu Abdullah Ibn Khafif found that the dirhams were in his hands.

Sufi Abdullah Ibn Zara’ee narrates that Almighty Allah Subhanahu Wa Tala’a gave so much barakah in the dirhams that the father and son received benefits from them until they returned to Shiraz.

Hazrat Sheikh Abu Abdullah Ibn Khafif was otherwise known as Muhammad. He used to live in Shiraz in present-day Iran. He was the foremost aulia (saint) of his time.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Recite Durood Shareef in greater numbers

Allama Sakhabi (rahmatullahi alaihe) narrates that one of the spiritual disciples of Sheikh Ibn Arsala (rahmatullahi alaihe) was once blessed with the auspicious vision of the Beloved Prophet (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) in a dream. In the dream, the disciple presented the book “Qaul ul-Badi' Fis-Salat-i alal-Habib ish-Shafi'” at the august court of the Beloved Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam). The book was composed by Allama Sakhabi (rahmatullahi alaihe). It describes the great benefits of Durood Shareef.

In the dream, the Beloved Prophet of Allah (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) approved the book. Upon learning this, Allama Sakhabi (rahmatullahi alaihe) became very delighted. Allama Sakhabi (rahmatullahi alaihe) narrates that he always hoped that the book would be accepted by Almighty Allah Subhanahu Wa Tala’a and the Beloved Prophet (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam). Allama Sakhabi (rahmatullahi alaihe) hoped to derive special spiritual rewards from the book.

Dear reader! Keep reciting Durood Shareef in greater numbers upon the Beloved Prophet (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam). Your Durood Shareef is taken to the blessed Rouza and your name is placed at the august court of the Beloved Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam).

Sunday, August 5, 2007

"I will take your hand to take you to Jannat"

Ibn Muafeq (rahmatullahi alaihe) narrates that he performed the Hajj several times on behalf of the Beloved Prophet (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam).

Ibn Muafeq (rahmatullahi alaihe) once saw the Beloved Prophet (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) in a dream. In the dream, the Beloved Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) addressed Ibn Muafeq (rahmatullahi alaihe) and stated: “Oh Muafeq! Have you performed the Hajj on my behalf?” Ibn Muafeq replied: “Yes.”

The Beloved Prophet of Allah (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) then asked: “Have you said labbaik on my behalf?” Ibn Muafeq replied: “Yes, Hujoor.”

The Beloved Prophet (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) then stated: “I will give you the returns on the day of Qiyamah. That day, I will take your hand to take you to Jannat when others will be busy with their Book of deeds.”

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Dream of Abu Muslim

During the period of Abu Muslim, an innocent Muslim dervish was arrested and imprisoned on charges of theft.

At night, Abu Muslim was blessed with the auspicious vision of the Beloved Prophet (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) in a dream. In the dream, the Beloved Prophet of Allah (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) stated: “Abu Muslim! Allah Subhanahu Wa Tala'a has sent me to you. One of my innocent friends is in your prison. Rise! Release him from the prison now.”

Abu Muslim got up from his bed without delay and rushed to the prison on bare head and bare feet. He ordered the jailer to release the dervish immediately.

The released dervish was brought before Abu Muslim. Abu Muslim apologized to the dervish and asked him whether he can be of any assistance and service to the dervish. At this the dervish stated: “Oh Amir! How is it permissible for an individual, who has such a master who awakens Abu Muslim in the middle of the night to deliver him from crisis, to ask anything from any body else?”

Abu Muslim started to cry after hearing the words of the dervish.

The dervish quietly left Abu Muslim.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

"Either rizk or death."

Ebnul Mokori (rahmatullahi alaihe), Abush Sheikh (rahmatullahi alaihe), and Tabranni (rahmatullahi alaihe) were renowned Islamic scholars of their time. They studied together in Madinah al-Munawara.

The three scholars once faced extreme financial hardship. They were fasting while without any money. Unable to tolerate the pangs of hunger, the three came and stood before the Rouza-e-Rasool Allah (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) and cried: “Oh Rasool Allah (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam)!” Afterwards, Tabranni (rahmatullahi alaihe) sat there and stated: “Either rizk (sustenance) or death.” Ebnul Mokori (rahmatullahi alaihe) and Abush Sheikh (rahmatullahi alaihe) returned home.

No petition can ever go in vain at the august court of the Beloved Prophet (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam). Some time afterwards, an individual came knocking at the residence of the three scholars with lots of food.

The individual stated: “You have complained against me at the august court of the Beloved Prophet (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam). He (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) has ordered me to bring some food for you. This is why I have come here.”