Once there was severe drought in Madinah al-Munawara.
During this time, the Beloved Prophet of Allah (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) appeared in a dream of Hazrat Aisha (radi Allah unha). In the dream, the Beloved Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) instructed Hazrat Aisha (radi Allah unha) to make an opening in the ceiling of the house that contained the Rouza-e-Rasool Allah (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam).
After this, an opening was made in the ceiling just above the Rouza. The opening effectively removed the barrier between the Rouza and the sky. It started to rain heavily immediately after the opening was created. The rains subsequently produced abundant harvest. The camels were well-fed and they became so plump that it seemed that their skins would rupture. The year was named as “Al-Fotaq”, meaning a year full of rich crops and lush vegetation.
The opening above the Rouza of the Beloved Prophet (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) is present to this day.