Ali Ibn Yunus (rahmatullahi alaihe) was once was asked by his son whether mucus that reached up to the throat would invalidate wudu (ablution). Ali Ibn Yunus (rahmatullahi alaihe) replied that this would invalidate wudu.
At night, Ali Ibn Yunus (rahmatullahi alaihe) was blessed with the vision of the Beloved Prophet (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) in a dream. In the dream, the Beloved Prophet of Allah (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) stated: “Oh Ali Ibn Yusuf! You have given wrong answer. Wudu will be intact as long as the mouth is not filled with mucus.”
Upon awakening, Ali Ibn Yunus (rahmatullahi alaihe) realized that our fatwas are presented at the august court of the Beloved Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam). After this, Ali Ibn Yunus (rahmatullahi alaihe) stopped giving any more fatwas.
It is a well known fact that the amaal (activities) of the Ummah are regularly presented at the august court of the Beloved Prophet (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam). This is narrated in the Hadith.