Abul Abbas Ahmed Ibn Yahiya Ibn Jayed Ibn Sayar Nahbi was famously known as Sayalab Nahbi. He was well reputed as an accomplished Arabic grammarian. Abul Abbas Nahbi was born in 201 Hijri. He passed away in 291 Hijri.
Qari Abu Bakr Ibn Mujahid narrates that Sayalab (rahmatullahi alaihe) once remarked to
him: “Oh Abu Bakr! Those who are busy with the Holy Qu’ran will attain salvation because of the barakah of the Holy Book. Those who are occupied with the Hadith Shareef will obtain deliverance because of the barakah of the Hadith Shareef. Those who are immersed in Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) will be successful because of its barakah. I have been busy all my life only with Arabic grammar. I do not know what will happen to me on the day of Qiyamah.”
Qari Abu Bakr Ibn Mujahid narrates that he was blessed with the auspicious vision of the Beloved Prophet (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) in a dream. In the dream, the Beloved Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) stated: “Convey my salaam to Abul Abbas Nahbi and give him glad tidings that on the day of Qiyamah, he will carry a grand and high flag since Ilme Deen is subject to Arabic grammar.”