Hazrat Khawza Fuzail Ibne Ayaaz (rahmatullahi alaihe) once forgot to wash his hands three times during wudhu and offered his salaat in this state.
Fuzail Ibne Ayaaz (rahmatullahi alaihe) dreamed the Beloved Prophet (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) during the night. The Beloved Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) called Fuzail Ibne Ayaaz (radi Allah unhu) in the dream and stated: “Oh Fuzail! It is surprising that there has been a mistake in your wudhu.”
After this, Fuzail Ibne Ayaaz (rahmatullahi alaihe) woke up and performed his wudhu again. To make up for this mistake, he offered five hundred rakah of salaat.